Start your journey to wellness. Here at Peachester Acupuncture we offer a range of treatments to restore health and promote relaxation. Peachest8er Acupuncture is situated in the beautiful hinterland of the Sunshine coast, conveniently located between Beerwah and Woodford. There is parking in the grounds and there will be herbal tea and/or a cold refreshment waiting for you.

The gentle art of Acupuncture and Moxibustion has been used for over 2000 years for optimizing health and relaxation. Acupuncture is a technique within the broader field of Traditional Chinese medicine used to treat and prevent a variety of health issues. Fine sterile needles are inserted into specific points to stimulate and strengthen our bodies ability to heal and relieve symptoms of disease and pain.

What we treat

Sports Injuries
Sprains and Strains, Pain with Exercise & General Muscle Pain
Back and Neck pain, Sprains and Strains, Arthritis & Sciatica
Neurological Disorders
Migraines and Headaches, Post-operative Pain & Dizziness
Emotional Issues
Stress and Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia
Womens Health
Menopause, Menstrual irregularities, Morning sickness & Post Menstrual Syndrome
General Health Support
Sleep disturbances, Blood Pressure, Immune system support & Chemotherapy Support

Michele Johnson
(BHSc) Acupuncture (DIP) Nursing

I am a fully qualified and trained Chinese Medicine Practitioner with a Bachelor of Health Science. I am a member of the Chinese medicine Association (AACMA) and am registered with AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) both for Chinese medicine and nursing. I have fourteen years experience in the health industry as a nurse, working at three hospitals in Brisbane across a broad range of areas including cardiac, medical, palliative, surgical and mental health, as well as running several outpatient clinics for many years.

I am a friendly, positive person with a good sense of humour who is compassionate and empathetic in my approach to care. I am committed to a high standard of care and am passionate about helping people. I have a special interest in women's health, chronic/acute pain and treating those with anxiety/stress related conditions. I am holistic in my approach and believe prevention is better than cure which aligns with my oriental medicine training belief system. I believe by supporting the bodies own inner strength and healing capability it can regain balance and restore health. When treating I draw on my knowledge in both Western and Eastern medicine to understand the presenting issue and believe this is one of my strengths in my treatments that I offer to clients. I am constantly learning and seeking knowledge and am very focused and committed to helping those that seek treatment, even if that treatment is simply to relax. I look forward to meeting new clients and interacting with the community around me.

Pricing Details

Registered health care provider for private health rebates.
Book Online & B-point available on-site for electronic payment – Fast, Convenient, Easy

Intro Offer

New Acupuncture Patients
Only $90 for Your First 60min Appointment
+ treatment plan that addresses your specific needs

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Return Acupuncture Session

All treatments (or combinations)
$90 for 60min Appointment

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Chinese Patent Herbs

All products range from $25 to $39 and are the highest quality
black pearl and China medical herbs